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Cabinet reviews Egyptian food security strategy in light of global turmoil

The Information and Decision Support Center in the Council of Ministers launched a new number of the “Contemporary Economic Perspectives” series, which provides an overview of the various economic opinions of the most prominent experts and analysts, both inside and outside Egypt, that occupy the economic circles

The new issue tackled the topic of “mechanisms to enhance food security”, and presented some proposals in that framework, taking advantage of international experiences. It also monitored foreign articles that dealt with “mechanisms to enhance food security”, in addition to providing a theoretical and informational framework on that file.

The issue included a set of articles by a number of experts and specialists on Egyptian food security, ways to develop it and strategies to achieve it, as one of the requirements for maintaining Egyptian national security, in light of the currently turbulent global economy, coinciding with the challenges facing the prices of production requirements and the high prices of agricultural products. Reliance on technology to enhance agricultural sustainability, and the most prominent Egyptian experiences in that context, especially the experience of popularizing the cultivation of water-saving dry rice in the New Valley.

The issue also included a number of internationally distinguished experiences in enhancing food security, as well as a number of local economic indicators, and various indicators on food security in Egypt.

It is noteworthy that the new issue of “Economic Horizons” included a wide range of experiences of a number of experts and specialists in the field of agricultural production, including: Prof. “Abdul-Ghani Al-Jundi”, Dean of the College of Desert Agriculture at King Salman University – Ras Sidr Branch, and Prof. Dr. Mohamed Adel Al-Ghandour, former head of research at the Crops Research Institute, Prof. Salah Youssef, full-time professor of lands at the Desert Research Center, Major General Adel Al-Sharif, director of the Arab Center for Studies, and Dr.

“Mohammed Kulaib Al-Samman”, researcher in the Unified Government Complaints System Sector, and Dr. Mohamed Shady, political economy teacher at the National Training Academy, and Asmaa Hassan El-Khouli, analyst of international and energy economics issues

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